「俗語有云: 物以罕為貴。現在回看當初,大家實會話:『早知當年買麥拿侖(McLaren) F1啦!』在1995至1997年的時候,金融風暴來襲。大家還記得當年有一部麥拿侖F1就這樣放在陳列室,只售800萬港元,可是最後還是乏人問津?現在你後悔想買回一部?請準備至少1億5,000萬吧!更何況你有錢,車主也未必賣給你。」
Published in January 2019 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏
不經不覺,我已在《經典車誌》寫了第九期的專欄。今次我想跟大家繼續談一談所謂的future classic。到底這些future classic,還是有沒有「future」?在上幾期我已說過怎樣判定一部汽車在未來會否變成經典車。可是現在的汽車文化,早跟我小時候的有很大出入。所謂的「懷舊」,無論是定義或潮流,已跟以前不同。造成分野的最大原因,是由於現時購買汽車的方法跟以往有所不同。現在我們能夠以供車方式去買車,讓年青人能夠立刻享受和擁有一部汽車。舊時在我年輕時,我們都是要等很多年、不斷一點一點每年去儲蓄,才能買到一部寶馬(BMW)、一部保時捷(Porsche),甚至是遙遠得永遠不可能買得到的法拉利(Ferrari)跑車。對我們這一代人來說,我們習慣先儲錢,經過時間洗禮後,才會買到想得到的東西。不過現在的年輕一輩不同,他們要買保時捷,就付首期做上會,然後供車,非常容易。
那除了我們常說的「懷舊」之外,還有甚麼因素使其變成 future classic呢?
第一,我認為只要一部車夠怪、比例有問題、外形設計有問題,就能具有成為經典的潛質。很多時,人們都只是在舊時覺得這部車怪相,但現在看回又會覺得非常有型。有人唔鍾意,有人會當寶。在汽車世界裏,某些「垃圾」經歷長時間之後,就能變成寶。由以往無人問津,到現在越看越靚。其中一個最好例子,就是寶馬的Z3M Coupe,人稱「the bread van」。當時它推出後,人們覺得其外形怪異又難操控,開不好又容易甩尾。可是時至今日,大家都想要這部 Z3M Coupe,它越老越有味道,ugly become beautiful。這是因為現代審美觀跟過去不同,現在的人覺得它漂亮有型。
第二種能夠成為future classic的汽車,是以往人見人憎,甚至是本身設計有問題和缺陷的車。跟上述講外形怪異的汽車一樣,這些怪車現在又開始多車迷喜歡。造成這現象的,是因為現時車廠造車都有很多規範,去管制住他們怎樣去造一部汽車。比如說安全規例,為符合安全測試,新車頭燈要甚麼形狀、泵把要怎樣設計,其實都有特定規範。這令現在的新車,很多時都像一模一樣般,沒有個性。於是,當某些經典車一打破了這個框框,就變得很有潛力成為 future classic。好像愛快(Alfa Romeo)八十年代出產的SZ,以前看真的很有問題。但現在回看,它像部太空船一樣,外形超級特別,是經典中的經典。
說到第三個因素,是很多時候當經濟環境一差,車廠就會停止生產線的運作。特別是那些訂單不多,但又限量發售的汽車,最容易被終止。比如車廠開初說造500部,但經濟突然轉差,最終造300部就停止。於是當經濟回復後,就頓時成了「供求問題」。這些被終止的汽車,可能本身是部好車,只是因經濟因素而停產。到人們在後來發現它的好,需求變得大,但供應很少。俗語有云: 物以罕為貴。現在回看當初,大家實會話:「早知當年買麥拿侖(McLaren)F1啦!」在1995至1997年的時候,金融風暴來襲。大家還記得當年有一部麥拿侖F1就這樣放在陳列室,只售800萬港元,可是最後都無人要。現在你後悔想買回一部?請準備至少1億5,000萬吧!更何況你有錢,車主也未必賣給你。
有甚麼好例子呢?Pagani Zonda就是表表者之一。當時新車推出後,有些人認為它整個車殼都是擾流,尾翼又分了幾層,加上人們不認同 Pagani 先生,再加上它只是用平治(Mercedes-Benz)引擎,於是乎沒有人喜歡它,當年亦賣不到好價錢。現在你想買一部 Zonda,價格真的貴得驚人。
復古(nostalgia),永遠都是影響一部汽車會否成為經典的因素。當人們失去了它,才知道它的珍貴。如果大家見到某些車款近來開始多人入手,就請好好留意一下那部是否 future classic吧。不要等到後來人們開始發現它的好、它的珍貴,就像在油上點火一樣,一發不可收拾。到最後,你想買都買不到。
近來我發現法拉利348可能是下一團火,人們以前覺得它外形怪相,又不好開,不受人重視。後來人們發覺它原來長得像部迷你版 Testarossa,很有八十年代的味道,還要是未來必定會絕種的手波配置。趁它們還是價格相宜的時候,快好好珍惜眼前車!

Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be, but the way classics earn that status is changing and that there are new ways to spot such a car before it reaches the limelight.
The way we buy cars has changed, financing affords us the instant gratification of more aspirational machinery without years of saving. Could nostalgia and buying the cars we never could when we were younger soon be a thing of the past?
First, we’ll go through the things to look out for in a future classic beyond nostalgia.
Weird + Flawed = Now Rare + Desirable
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, as they say. In the world of cars, trash can turn to treasure over time, especially when we realise that being unloved in period makes a car rare.
The perfect example – the BMW Z3 M ‘Breadvan’. Weird, unconventional, flawed; now rare, now desirable. Generally speaking these cars age well, especially performance cars. Ugly becomes beautiful when styling convention changes and we miss what went before.
Unloved + Flawed = Now Rare + Extraordinary
As the rules of car manufacturing change, so too do the car designs they dictate. These days the rulebook is so thick that a lot of today’s cars are much of a muchness, cut from the same cloth and cast in the same mould.
The stuff that is a bit out of the ordinary, that breaks the mould a bit, is what we need to look out for. The delightfully unconventional Alfa Romeo SZ as an example.
Still, conventions change. There’s a word for pining for the quirkiness of yesteryear.
Bad Economy + Low Production = Now Demand > Supply
This is a simple one – a rule of value that goes back way beyond the era of the motorcar. Whatever you’re buying, with a view for it to make money, make sure few others have it and that many others want it. A great example is Mclaren F1
The latter is a little more difficult but follow the other rules and you should see demand climb before too long. Fun stuff, weird stuff, it all has value. If it’s rare, that value is solidified.
Divided Opinion = Now Personality
Overall, you’re safe with a car that has personality. It ought to stoke emotions, maybe divide opinion. The broader a car’s place in the hearts and minds of enthusiasts, the broader its place in the history books becomes. If you’re passionate about a car and know others that are, your investment could be well-placed. A Pagani Zonda is an example of such car.
Nostalgia is always a factor
It will always be a factor. As a general rule, people don’t know what they’ve got, or even what they want, until it’s gone. Be the person scooping up the remains as a car’s supply circles the plug hole. Identify flickers of intrigue around a car before it becomes a blaze.
We’ll always look back in time wearing rose-tinted spectacles but nevertheless, but above are some worthy points to consider. I think Manual transmission will be one of those things that we miss when it is long gone.