經典車賣車秘笈 - A how-to guide for selling a classic or collector car
*Check out the English Version below
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- 經營優質高級汽車事業,對處理高檔車種,擁有豐富經驗。經常參與高端汽車相關活動,其文章定期於汽車傳媒刊登。在創辦Classic Insider之前,是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。
最後一招,是請一位經典車專業經紀(specialist broker)去幫忙。這些經紀或其公司,可以將要賣的經典車推廣得更好,因為他們通常都有自己的公關和市場部門,也非常熟悉這些車款。經紀們也認識很多來自世界各地的收藏家,擁有很強的人際網絡,因此他們能夠帶來較高質素的買家去看經典車放盤、能找出知音,也代表着成交價有望提高。找經紀的另一好處,就是他們多數不用你把經典車放在他那裏,賣家可以一邊用一邊賣,而經紀的收費是在經典車成功賣出後才收取,沒成甚麼特別的hidden fee,例如泊車費和行政費用;我甚至聽過某些經銷商會收取marketing fee。
最後的貼士,是要寫好簡介(description)。一般來說,經紀能幫忙執筆。不過賣家要先提供資料給經紀,他才懂得怎去寫,例如某部法拉利出廠時配Rosso Corsa的車身顏色、同時選配了特別座椅等等。那部經典車有甚麼options,都要一一列明。

A how-to guide for selling a classic or collector car
BY KENNETH WONG - Classic Insider
Be it a parking space issue or a change of taste. Maybe a change of circumstance in life such as finance, family, career or even old age. You have been thinking about selling your collectible car and you have come to a conclusion that the time is now.
Of course, there are various ways to sell your car, but selling a classic or collector car at a favourable price in Hong Kong is no easy task.
First, very few, if any dealer would buy-in or take a classic car as a trade-in, simply because most car dealers in Hong Kong do not specialise in classic & collectible cars. They are ill-informed to make you a reasonable offer.
Some dealer may say they are happy to consign your vehicle for sale but again they might not be the best people to represent classic cars for sale. You would not take your car to a dealer that sells family cars and minivans and expect them to be able sell your classic at a good price. By the same token, buyer would not look for a classic car at a dealer that don’t have the knowledge or experience in dealing with such vehicles. It is impossible to achieve a good sale price if they cannot reach the right audience.
Selling person-to-person, through your network of friends in your circle is of course another way. But it is both time consuming and many times, negotiation could take a wrong turn and inadvertibly affect friendship.
Selling your classic online thought classified or groups may seem cost effective, but dealing with numerous phone calls and serving tire-kickers is not for everyone.
There’s another option. You can engaging a Specialist Broker
A specialist broker can often do a better job of marketing your car than you can yourself. These companies have marketing and PR that promote the vehicle via their network of collectors, as well as international clients and partners. Through their marketing, they can brings qualified buyers to see your car, increasing the chance of selling your car at a favourable price.
A specialist broker do not require you to give up custody of your car, so you can still enjoy driving it while selling it. Brokerage fee is based on success and usually due when your car is sold, there is no hidden fees such as parking cost, administration cost or even marketing cost often associated with consignment dealers.
Here are a few tips to follow that help your car sell for a better price
Be sure your car is truly ready to sell. Details matter. Be sure that the car looks great, with all cosmetic issues dealt with and done properly. In addition to the cosmetic issues, be sure that all mechanical and electrical systems work as they should. Do not forget to be sure that your car has decent and correct tires. In other words, do not put Korean tires on your Ferrari; this tells sellers you are a cheapskate and they then start looking for what else was done on a low budget.
Gather any and all service records, receipts, and other documentation for the car and create a pair of binders that cover the history of the car. Also if you are really keen to sell, have a pre-purchase inspection done and include it in the folders. All of this communicates to buyers that you are the kind of fastidious owner that they want to buy from. Send one to the Broker and keep the other one for your records.
Have professional pictures taken of the car. When photographing the car, include everything such as the wheels, engine compartment, interior from both sides, and the rear of the car and headliner. As a bonus, if you can put the car on a lift and fully photograph the underside, that would be perfect. Finally, get pictures of the owner’s manual, service and history documentation and of the toolkit and any other accessories you have.
When the description is written, provide the broker with every detail about the car, citing the factory-specific names for the paint and interior colors (Rosso Corsa paint with Daytona leather Seats), the options on your car including the factory option codes, and all the ownership history you can gather for the cars life.
When the car is shown to prospects, be sure that the car looks great and throughly cleaned. Leave your second binder that documents the car inside the car so that it can be shown to prospective buyers on site. This is also a message to buyers that you care about your car.
Be sure to provide broker with a set of clear instructions on how the car likes to be started and driven. If the broker know how to properly operate the car, he can properly show the prospective client. Be available by phone or in person to answer any questions about the car before, during and after the viewing.
All of this might seem obvious to you, but you would be surprised at how often sellers neglect such things. Follow these rules and your car is likely to sell for a good price.
