We all have our reasons for buying a particular classic car. It is obvious that the utility value of one is not one of them. We buy a specific classic because it’s an object of passion, and the car’s presence stirs our soul. Here are the top reasons why some people bought the classic car they have.
Published in NOVEMBER 2019 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏
第六是可能是為圓兒時夢想,或者我們小時候連車牌也未有的時候會有一部dream car, 而那部dream car 就是長大賺到錢後一定要買到的。為了圓夢,很多人會努力賺錢買他們的dream car,畢竟那部車已成為經典,能夠買到這部車也算是圓了自己的夢想。
We all have our reasons for buying a particular classic car. It is obvious that the utility value of one is not one of them. We buy a specific classic because it’s an object of passion, and the car’s presence stirs our soul. Here are the top reasons why some people bought the classic car they have.
Reason #1: Buy a Manual car before they are extinct
That wonderful feeling of you are in total control is one of the reasons we continue to drive a stick shift car. Nowadays there are limited choices of modern manual cars, therefore buying a classic is the easiest way to enjoy this “ancient technology”
Reason #2: Experience the Driving sensation of a classic
Nothing beats an old car when it comes to the feeling of “man and machine becomes one”, something modern cars nowadays lacks. Be it the steering feel, the handling, the smell, the exhaust note, unique characteristics of each classic car is an important reason why someone buys it and love driving it.
Reason #3: Buying into an Era that you love
People get fixated to a certain era, they like everything about it, be it the fashion trend, the music, the movie and of course the cars. I know someone who is stuck in the 1980s, still listening to cassette tape from that era in their 80s classic car.
Reason #4: Own something from a world class Designer
Some people pay a lot of attention to car design. Be it Bertone, Pinnifarina, Touring, Gioguiro or Ghia, some design language dictates what we like and what we will buy
Reason #5: Re-living the good time from the past
“My father used to have one of these.” Some people buy a car so that they can re-live a fond memory with someone they hold dear in their hearts. “It was my first car.” Ah that smell of burnt clutch, the car we learn how to drive, the car that we went on the first date. Buying back the “first car” is definitely a top reason to pull the trigger on an old beat up classic car. Nostalgia is priceless.
Reason #6: Fulfilling a childhood Dream
When we were young, we dream of buying a certain “dream car” before we even have a driver’s license. In many cases, by the time we have the financial means, we still want to buy that car to fulfill the childhood dream. Whatever the case maybe, chasing one’s dream is a good reason to work hard. And that feeling when you “made it” is immensely satisfying.
Reason #7: Buy something that means something to you
Some people buy a car because it is made in their birth year, kind of like people buying wine of their own vintage. Whatever it is, it means something to the person buying it, a tribute to their own existence
Reason #8: Try something different
“Enjoy as many different things in life and you die “ So why not try something different? Sportscar, convertible, SUV, JDM, American, German, Italian, French, New or Old.
The best reason of all, when asked why a single person owns 7 cars, I was told there are 7 days to a week and it is meaningful to have at least one classic car in that collection.
Whatever the reason you buy your classic, I hope your cars are more than garage art or portfolio enhancers but actually being enjoyed on the road.
