當然車也不是一種生物,更加沒有生命,但我認為每部車都是有它的靈魂,如果一部舊車是懂得說話的話,真的很難想像會道出甚麼故事。 A car is not a living being but it does have a soul. If a car could talk…….
Published in OCTOBER 2019 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏
汽車是一件代步工具,但今時今日汽車對很多人來說,已不局限於代步工具那麼簡單,他們會覺得汽車是他們的熱情、他們的興趣、甚至是他們的生活方式。而在汽車發展過去百多年,很多車都變得很有收藏價值,甚至乎有些車已變成身份象徵。有些具收藏價值的汽車,在價值上可以媲美一些油畫,或者一些很名貴的珠寶。當然價值已是反映了這一點,有些可能已是原價的一百倍以上。以平治(Mercedes-Benz)300SL Gullwing為例,當年新車價值只不過是一萬美元,但今日卻已升值至一百萬美元,正正是原價的一百倍。
這些車除了十分漂亮優雅之外,背後還有很多故事,有些人更可能是從汽車身上學會某些事情。我覺得一部舊車不論價值,都值得聆聽它們背後的故事,有時聽過故事之後,就能夠更加代入那個年代所發生的事情,那個年代可能是你出生之前,可能藉此學到一些歷史性的東西。由於我現在從事古董車買賣行業,因此我喜歡研究每一部車背後的歷史和以前的主人,以及是在那裏發生的事情。如果遇到一些很特別的車,我甚至會研究之前車主是從哪裏買 這部車回來,為何會轉手,而轉手時又發生過甚麼故事,箇中可能會發掘出很多很特別的資料。
Since the invention of automobiles, the world is moving faster and more efficient. Take four wheels, add an engine and you will have a car, but are cars ultimately "just" cars? Is there any place for sentimentality in the world of automobiles? Some say an old car is just an old car. How wrong can they be?
Cars are often essential to everyday lives, but beyond necessity, a car is often linked to someone’s life story. Each person’s relationship with his or her vehicle is an intimate and individual experience, some people even name their car to the memories they hold. Alone in your car, you can sing at the top of your lungs, rant in privacy, talk intimately with friends, or just let your mind wander.
Automobile used to be just a means of transportation, but today is much more than that. For some maybe it is just a means of transportation, but for others is a passion, a hobby, a lifestyle. Some cars today have become collectibles, even a status symbol, treated just like a precious jewel or a famous painting. The price of one of these ones could be 100 times the original price. For example, a Mercedes 300SL Gullwing was around $10,000 USD back then, but today that price could be around $1,000,000. Most of these cars are not only good looking but they have an interesting story to tell too.
Regardless of the value, I believe that an old car can be an introduction to a fascinating story, as they represent a chance to look at the worlds they have lived in, the people they have known and the times they have lived through. We have forgotten, or are maybe too young to know, the context into which many of the classic cars arrived. I love to look back and study the history both of the cars, their owners and their place in the wider story of past years.
Many people have a story about a car they loved, a car that had meaning for them, a car they learned from. And the people who take care of those cars are just as beloved. The mechanics who help keep those cars on the road, and fix them when they are down.
To my surprise, many of my customers do agree an old car’s history can add to it’s value and enjoyment. Therefore, for some of my clients, I will look into past ownership with a view to establishing provenance and discovering information specific to the car that could enhance it’s value. At the same time I will create a history file for the car that contains not only information relating to provenance, but delving deeper into the characters involved, and building this into a historical context to create a story.
The following are some of the stories I have encountered:
“A car remained within single-family ownership for over 40 years, it becomes a part of the family — a ‘living’ document of the history. “
“A Car Story that Is a Love Story”
“Owning, loving, maintaining, and losing a car is a part of living a full life. Losing something makes you want it more.”
“A lesson from father to son: Take care of the car so it takes care of you, then pass it on to your son”
“We take things like cars for granted.” The habit of being grateful for what you have will make you value everything in your life the way it should be.
“I wash my car every week because it’s how I demonstrate to myself that I’m grateful to own one.”
Do you have a car story you want to share with me? Maybe we can start a storybook together. Email me at kenneth@classicinsider.com
