Some people buy a car so that they can re-live a fond memory with someone they hold dear in their hearts. “It was my first car.” Ah that smell of burnt clutch, the car we learn how to drive, the car that we went on the first date. Buying back the “first car” is definitely a top reason to pull the trigger on an old beat-up classic car.
Published in APRIL 2020 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏
第四種便是在電影中見到的車款。猶記得在《Bullit》戲中出現的福特Mustang Fastback、《鐵金剛》裏頭出現過的阿斯頓馬田DB5、甚至乎占士甸曾經駕駛的保時捷356。你在銀幕見到這些車不斷在路上穿插、你追我趕,的確有型,甚至在你眼中已成為電影主角。正因如此,很多人都會視出現於電影的汽車,為自己夢寐以求的Dream Car。
最後就是在電視劇出現的車款。有些在電視劇出現的車,確的令人畢生難忘,例如在《The Saint》亮相的富豪P1800,以及出現於《Magnum PI》的法拉利308 GTS,這些經典的電視節目時,至今天仍為人津津樂道。當我們觀看這些電視節目時,能夠欣賞到自己心愛的名車,又可以重拾睇電視的樂趣,何樂而不為?
Why we collect car? Reason #5 Nostalgia is priceless.
One of the main reasons why we continue to love classic cars is because driving and owning them can make us feel young again.
Out on an empty mountain road or driving at night, all alone, the daydream is visually enhanced by looking out over the hood catching a glimpse of the old instrument panel and interior. The vintage tactility of the steering wheel, seat, shifter, and dashboard controls are realised, as are the sensations of acceleration, braking, and lateral forces through the curves. Engine induction roar, the tone/ smell of the exhaust, and music emanating from a decades-old radio contribute a soundtrack to the time travel vibe. In short, everything looks and feels different than it would in a new car, it takes you back in time. Maybe a happy past.
Why do we buy old cars, I can think of several examples:
Your First Car: Most of us who worked and scrimped and saved to buy our first car, be it old or new at the time, still recall the memories made with it, so it’s understandable that we would either want to keep it or find a replacement for it later in life. Even if your parents or grandparents bought a new car and gave you their old one, it was still your “first car,” so the same reasoning above applies.
The Mentors: Friends and Family: Parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors have served as mentors to countless next-generation car lovers over the years. Thanks to their kindness, many classic car fans experienced their first ride in the coolest, quickest, loudest, or most beautiful car in their town, be it a BMW, a Mercedes, a Porsche or even a Ferrari economy or luxury car. In some instances, those memories left impressions so deep that the young protégés later bought examples of those same cars.
It’s a Looker: These designs belong to a previous age—an age that many people fondly look back on, where designers were unencumbered by constraints such as crash tests, or aerodynamic drag coefficients, and instead created shapes that reflected the mood and trends of the time.
Though we won’t all agree on the same models, many of us know of a certain car, which possesses the power to stop us in our tracks to just stare at it. We appreciate its styling to such a degree that it actually makes us feel good inside just to look at it. Somehow, in that moment the problems of the day recede to the back of our minds and we feel more optimistic than we had just minutes before. earlier car’s styling and exclusivity, and again, nostalgia, ensure that most examples remain highly collectible.
Movie car: Some movie cars were already desirable in their own right, but their commanding presence in certain films contributed to making them legends. From the Mustang in Bullet, DB5 in James Bond, 356 driven by James Dean. Through their high-speed, tire-frying exploits on the screen, they became extremely popular and must-own vehicles for some moviegoers.
As Seen on TV: The desire for a star car is not limited to the silver screen, however. Television parked some of the most recognizable cars of their respective era right in our living rooms. Who could forget The Saint’s Volvo P1800, Magnum PI’s 308. There are many more examples for TV as well, but you get the idea.