如何為具收藏價值的經典車增值?How to increase the value of your classic car ?
*Check out the English Version below
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- 經營優質高級汽車事業,對處理高檔車種,擁有豐富經驗。經常參與高端汽車相關活動,其文章定期於汽車傳媒刊登。在創辦Classic Insider之前,是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。
「Dr. Adolfo Orsi在早前舉行的黃金海岸車展上,已經擔任過總評審,他亦曾 在多個國際經典車選美活動中、包括圓石灘經典車展,擔任總評委的要職。他一開首就跟我們說:『一部汽車是用來駕駛的,而不只是用來觀賞!』」
如果大家有一部值得收藏的經典車,我們應該怎去維持其價格和為它增值?每部車只有在新車落地的一刻,才算是「原裝」。經典車世界裡頭,原裝是最重要的一環,車內的零件要原廠,不能有冒牌貨。今次等我們了解一下,到底國際間的經典車選美(Concours d'Elegance),評判是怎去評價經典車,我們看看準則,就能得知經典車的保值方法。
上年度我有幸參與由International Chief Judge Advisory Group(ICJAG)舉辦的座談會,講者是瑪莎拉蒂(Maserati)的前擁有者Dr. Adolfo Orsi。其實在早前舉行的黃金海岸車展上,已經擔任過總評審,他亦曾在多個國際經典車選美活動中、包括圓石灘經典車展,擔任總評委的要職。他一開首就跟我們說:「一部汽車是用來駕駛的,而不只是用來觀賞。」
上述所有項目若未能達到標準,其實每項只是減一至兩分。但有一樣東西對分數影響最大的,就是大型改裝。好像最近很流行、保時捷專屬的RWB wide body。看起來雖然型格十足,但由於沙板已被鋸掉,會分數大減。有些撞過的經典車會換過車身底盤,兩者編號不相對,分數又會大減。

How to preserve & increase the value of your classic?
BY KENNETH WONG - Classic Insider
Not all classic cars are created equal, most cars depreciate to some level, and many of them just go down and depreciates to zero. A few classic will eventually become a collectible. What distinguishes a collector car is that it develops a curve where it depreciates and starts making its way back up and then it goes up from there, sometimes beyond its original cost. Which car will become a collectible and which one will not, that is a topic for next issues. This time, I would like to discuss how you can preserve the value of your prized classic.
A car can only be original once, therefore originality and authenticity is key to classic car value. To fully understand why, let’s take a glimpse into International Concourse D’Elegance judging criteria to see what make a classic valuable in the eyes of the judges.
Concourse D’Elegance anywhere in the world prides themselves on attention to the originality and authenticity of the entries, as well as the elegance and special character of the cars. The car presented should not only be a beautiful display of rolling sculpture, but also one that makes a very significant contribution to the preservation of automotive history. Preservation is key, therefore a completely original and unrestored automobile will always score higher than one that is shiny and restored recently.
Last year, I attended the ICJAG (International Chief Judge Advisory Group) concourse d’elegance judging seminar hosted by Ex-Maserati owner Dr. Adolfo Orsi to learn about the judging criteria. Dr Adolfo Orsi was invited as the chief judge at Goldcoast Motor Festival in Hong Kong, he was also on the panel of judges at prestigious events around the world such as Villa D’estre, Pebble Beach, etc.
First and foremost, he mentions that cars are meant to be driven not for display only, therefore cars with signs of being driven such as minor chips and touchup do not affect the car’s scores.
The judging Criteria is split into 5 major categories and every car starts from 100 points. The judges will go through the list carefully and deduct points according to the criteria that is being judged.
1) Coachwork
A) overall appearance of body, fenders and panels.
B) Fit and Operation of doors and hoods, convertible top if applicable.
C) Finishing and appropriate colour of paint. D) Bumpers, fenders, lights, plagues, plating and rubber.
2) Interior
A) glass, operation of window, curtain, soft top cover.
B) Upholstery, interior trim, carpet, headliner, soft top well
C) Dashboard, instruments, steering wheel, shifter, switches and accessories
D) Weather stripping and running board cover
3) Engine
A) Engine type correct, overall appearance and condition of engine compartment.
B) Water, oil, fuel lines and belt.
C) Fuel supply, carburettors, injection system, pumps and linkage
D)electrical system E) cooling systems are also essential.
4) Undercarriage
A) Rims, tires, spare wheels, tools.
B) Frame, drivetrain, steering, suspension and brakes.
C)Exhaust system, manifolds, mufflers, hangers and tips.
5) Functionality.
A) Smoothness of engine run, leaks.
B) Operation of interior lights, instrument lighting, operation of instruments and horn.
C) Operation of exterior lights. D) General restoration.
Most points are deducted in 1 to 2 points intervals. But there are a few things which is a big no-no I want to point out. A modified body for example, like a bodykit, or extremes like RWB Porsche. New frame/ chassis is also a big no-no. And finally, an engine that won’t start.
I also wanted to shatter some urban myths by saying that there are some things that you can actually do to your car without affecting any points are: Colour change to period correct color. Installation of equipments that comply to regulations and law such as installation of turn signals, changing to metric instruments, modification to brakes and installation of AUX fans.
In most situation, presentation of a history file is definitely a plus. A well-documented history, with maintenance records, restoration records, ownership history. Not to mention the presence of the original set of books and warranty book full of service stamps, the tools kit and jack. If you are missing those, try to buy it aftermarket and do your best to piece together the file, with the help of your local dealer, you maybe able to retrieve some valuable history.
