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香港適合舉行經典車拍賣會嗎? All you need to know about organizing a classic car auction in Hong Kong

「智者有云:「成功是沒有捷徑。」因此不能轉彎抹角去做這件事,一定要正常大方去做, 當作長線投資,才會有出頭機會。舉辦汽車拍賣會需要更多預算和構想長線的前景。先要在本地市場打好基礎,然後就能慢慢吸引到亞洲周邊國家的人參與, 到時才有機會可以將拍賣會跳出香港,去到其他城市。」

Published in SEPTEMBER 2019 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong

KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏

今次我想跟大家談談,香港是否適合搞古董車拍賣? 首先談談汽車拍賣這回事,它其實是個賣車方法,用一個系統、價高者得的方式去賣車。當中拍賣方式有兩種,一是 wholesale auction,這是很多國家使用的方法,只有汽車從業員和經銷商才能參加,這種 dealer auction 的成交價,通常都會比市價便宜。不管這些車用甚麼途徑去到拍賣會,它們通常是求早日賣出,快點套現。經銷商買入這些車,通常是有利潤空間去讓他們轉售。很多人以為在拍賣會可買到很便宜的東西,其實不一定。因為除非買家對那部車不太受落,沒有太多投標者,又或是車輛質素差劣,都未必能夠以低價賣出。但畢竟因為有買家希望將車輛轉售,所以成交價肯定會便宜些。

另一種是古董車或經典車拍賣會。這種拍賣會,通常都是由一些大型拍賣行舉辦,好像 Silverstone、Bonhams 和 Sotheby's 等,國際間都會舉辦這類型拍賣會。最大分別是這種拍賣會所有人都能參與。兩者在概念上其實是一樣,都是「價高者得」。當然成功買車的人,要在成交價上再加佣金。但是在這些拍賣會售出的車,通常都是以市價成交。在某些情況下,有些車的成交價甚至會高出市價一截,到底是甚麼原因? 有時候,某些車款是非常罕有或質素極佳,甚至是市場上從未出現過,供求十分短缺。這些經典車能吸引到很多有興趣的競投者,這些競投者都想買這部車,於是把叫價推高, 最後便會以高於市價賣出。屢創高峰的拍賣紀錄,就是這樣而來。

以香港來看,若說到大型一點的古董車拍賣會,我想到就只有是 2016 年的 RL NeoClassics Auction,筆者當時就是營運總監。這次我想告訴大家,如果想成功地舉辦古董車拍賣,有甚麼事情需要留意。

首先,最基本要有一本印刷精美的目錄,而網站要建立得好,公關和市場部都一定要好,面對客戶的職員,以至餐飲供應商,都一定要是訓練有素的團隊。更遑論拍賣預覽會, 以及實際拍賣會都要做得好。


第三是拍賣會除了可現場即時拍賣之外,我認為要同時提供線上同步拍賣。我留意到在香港有很多買家,不太喜歡在眾人面前舉牌去買車。線上競投就可以給他一個機會, 成功率大得多。

說到第四點,是當中的車種其實可以包含經典車,甚至新車,亦可加入modern classic,盡量多元化。放盤的選擇不能太少,種類要多,同時照顧不同人士之口味。切記一定要貼近本地車迷口味,而不是盲目追求外國人喜愛的東西。以香港來說,右軚車一定比左軚車好賣。同一個理論,如果已在香港出了牌、打了稅的車,當然是更容易賣出。


最後一點,是舉辦汽車拍賣會需要更多預算和構想長線的前景。先要在本地市場打好基礎,然後就能慢慢吸引到亞洲周邊國家的人參與, 到時才有機會可以將拍賣會跳出香港,去到其他城市。

智者有云:「成功是沒有捷徑。」因此不能轉彎抹角去做這件事,一定要正常大方去做, 當作長線投資,才會有出頭機會。如果很「小家」地去做,總有一天會讓你做到氣餒。其實將經典車暗地裏賣出去,無論最後賣得出與否, 或者找人認投也好,這些都是短線做,而不是長線的,最終都會東窗事發,被人揭發後,之前建立的聲譽就全都賠上了,失去專業的市場定位, 很難長做長有。正所謂:「放長線, 釣大魚」,大魚不是一朝一夕就能釣到,成功從不容易,但最緊要有心去做

Car auction is a method of selling vehicles based on a system where the highest bidder get to buy a car at the hammer price. There are 2 main types of car auctions.

The first type is “Wholesale Auction”. Many of these auctions are restricted for licensed dealers only. Prices of vehicles sold at dealer auctions tend to be lower than advertised market price. Regardless of their source, vehicles sent to these auction with the main purpose to be sold quickly and hassle-free, and this usually happens at prices that dealers can easily resale with a profit. Contrary to popular belief, cars seldom sell for unreasonably low prices at the dealer auctions. This may happen if there are not enough interested bidders or if the vehicle is exceptionally unattractive and should not be taken for granted.

On the other hand, there is “Classic & Collectible car auction”. These are usually organised by reputable auction houses such as Silverstone, Bonhams, RM Sotherby’s locally or internationally. The main difference is these auctions are open to the public, both car dealers and individuals can participate. The idea is the same where the highest bidder gets tp buy the car at the hammer price plus premium. The prices of vehicle sold at classic car auction tends to be the current market price. However, cars do sometimes sell at a much higher price than market value. This usually happens when the car is very rare, in exceptionally good quality and or seldom/never available on the market. These vehicles attract many interested bidders and they all try to outbid each other.

The only major car auction ever organised in Hong Kong was RL Neo Classic in 2016. I was the Operation Director for this Classic & Collectible car Auction project and here is what you need to know to successfully organise one.

First and foremost, all the basic things like a well-designed catalogue, website. Well executed PR, Marketing. Well trained hospitality and F&B team. And not to mention a well organised preview and overall live auction experience

Secondly, you must secure a long-term and indoor venue. The unpredictable weather in Hong Kong makes an indoor venue a must, especially when you are dealing with vintage cars. Security, hospitality, food & beverages are also easier to organize indoors.

Thirdly, bidding must be done live and online. Most buyers in Hong Kong do not like to make a bid in the public, they don’t like people to see what they are buying and at what price. Therefore online bidding would solve this.

Forth, the cars must include both classic and modern classic. The selection cannot be to small and needs appeal to a wide audience but they must suit local taste. A Right-Hand-Drive car would be a much easier lot to sale than a LHD. A locally registered car on the same token is more attractive.

Fifth, reserve price and price estimates must reflect market value. Many sellers put reserve prices on their cars to prevent it from selling at too low a price. The highest auction bid is only considered a sale if the reserve price is met. Most sellers are too optimistic and hence missed the chance to sell their car at an event. Yes, they can re-list the car again but that won’t be very beneficial as it was a “Not-Sold” lot from before.

Finally, to successfully organize a car auction in Hong Kong requires a big budget and a long term outlook. First you must solidify the auction locally then you will be able to attract buyers from other parts of Asia. In the long term, you may have a chance to expand internationally. But like all things, there is no short-cuts to be successful.


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