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Do you remember your childhood dream car? When we were young, we dream of buying a certain “dream car” before we even have a driver’s license. In many cases, by the time we do have the financial means, better judgment, responsibility, and myriad of other reasons keep many of us from making that purchase. We held themselves back, always waiting for the “right time”, but is there really a “right time”? There's a popular Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”


Published in MAY 2020 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong

KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏


到了今天,你還記得小時候的夢想之車是那個型號嗎?會不會是出現於《占士邦》電影的阿士頓馬田(Aston Martin)DB5 ?又或者是一部曾在電視劇出現的法拉利(Ferrari)跑車?甚至乎在某齣科幻電影中出現,而且會說話的電腦車嗎?其實,來自世界各地的不同汽車愛好者,都可能不太清楚自己會愛上那一款車,特別是童年的時候,可能純粹因為外表漂亮有型而愛上它,也是驅使你決定長大後買下這款車 來收藏的原因。





我想跟大家分享一件真人真事, 有一次我賣出了一部法拉利(Ferrari)F40 給我的好朋友,他接過車匙當天,就從手機展示了一張相片給我看,那幅相是他18 歲時在英國一個車展上,跟一部F40 的合照,他跟我說:「我看到這部F40覺得距離是十分遙遠,但我跟自己說只要我夠努力,終有一天能夠買得起這部車。」當我將車匙交給他的時候,他感動的說:「我努力耕耘多年就是等待這一刻,我終於可以擁有自己的夢想之車。」

聽完這個故事,或許大家可能會有點感觸,覺得何時才輪到我呢?究竟是否要等20 年適合的時機,或是現在開始努力爭取夢想變成真呢?這就由大家決定了!

Why we collect cars? Reason #6 To Fulfill a Childhood Dream

Do you remember your childhood dream car? It might have been the Aston Martin you saw James Bond driving or the Ferrari in your favorite TV show. Car enthusiasts everywhere will know the feeling of being in love with a car for no apparent reason. All you need is cool looks and you'll be hooked. What is it like to buy your dream car?

When we were young, we dream of buying a certain “dream car” before we even have a driver’s license. In many cases, by the time we have the financial means, we still want to buy that car to fulfill the childhood dream.

Better judgment, financial responsibility and myriad other reasons keep many of us from making that purchase. So many people held themselves back, always waiting for the “right time”, but is there really a “right time”? We only live once, we maybe dead already before the “right time” comes.

There's a popular Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

The phrase “dream car” typically conjures up images of red hot, mid-engine, Italian sheet metal, but some drivers look for a bit more practicality in their dream cars. Different strokes for different folks. Whatever the case maybe, chasing one’s dream is a good reason to work hard. And that feeling when you “made it” is immensely satisfying.

Have you owned your childhood dream car yet? Make your dream a reality! Buying your dream car is a triumphant and wonderful time. You finally get to slide into that driver’s seat, feel the revs of the engine and tear off into the sunset, just like you’ve always imagined. Only you and only you will understand that feeling.


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