「那麼,這個效應有甚麼實質例子?以亞士頓馬田 DB5、法拉利 250 Lusso 和平治 300SL Gullwing 為例,這三部車在1977至2008年間,平均每年都是升值5%而已。不過,自2008年社交媒體興起開始,它們的身價平均每年升值60%。雖然同時間世界經濟都一直改善,但外國亦有研究指出,有錢人和名人上載到 facebook 跟 Instagram 的照片,的確是有助推動大眾的興趣。」
Published in April 2019 Classic & Sports Car Magazine | Written by Kenneth E Y Wong
KENNETH WONG 黃恩揚- Classic insider 創辦人,經營高級經典及跑車買賣。對處理高檔車種擁有豐富經驗。曾是香港首間經典車拍賣行的營運總監。經常參與高端古董及跑車的相關活動,貼近市場脈搏
我在上期的專欄中也提到,由於現今的互聯網科技非常發達,令到世界每一個角落的人,都可以隨時隨地取得關於經典車的資訊,因而愈來愈多人開始對經典車產生興趣。而今時今日的經典車市場,亦由昔日小眾的市場,進化成一個世界性市場。鑑於網上社交媒體的力量極之龐大,因此就連車廠和著名的古董車修復公司,也開始透過社交媒體平台來推廣自己的業務。例如保時捷 Porsche 和積架 Jaguar 等廠商,他們亦積極在網上推廣自家的經典車復修業務。
除了廠商之外,我也留意到一些「明星級」汽車收藏家,也十分喜歡利用社交媒體來向外界展示自己的愛車。對於他們來說, 這些相片不但是一畫勝千言,它更是可以為車子增值一千幾百萬元的工具。像是Instagram 這種以影像為主的社交媒體, 經已成功把好幾款車的價值,推高不少。例如是 David Beckham,又或是 Kendall Jenner,甚至乎是Jay Leno 等名人,都十分喜歡把自己的收藏品上載到網絡。不論是新車或經典車,人們都會察覺到。如果該款車是名人推崇的,很多人都會受明星影響而買。當然,明星開名車也不是甚麼新現象,不過在數十年前,頂級名車就只有真正的超級巨星 Frank Sinatra、Marylin Monroe、James Dean 才能負擔得起,絕不是一個普通二、三線明星能夠負擔得起的玩意。而當年大多數能夠負擔得起的人,都會選擇保持低調,亦不會隨意向外界炫耀他們的珍貴財產。

但反觀今天的社會,就連拍真人騷的名人,也可以買得起法拉利 Ferrari 或賓利 Bentley 等名車,而他們亦比以前的人多了運用社交媒體這個渠道去炫耀財富。而往往就有很多古董車買家,受到這些名人在社交媒體的影響,因而促使市場對某車款的需求有上升趨勢。當然,對於大多數富裕之家和頂級收藏家來說,他們根本毫不關心社交媒體有甚麼趨勢。通常都是新貴階層或是透過新興科技富起來的人,才會最容易受到「Instagram 效應」所影響。
那麼, 這個效應有甚麼實質例子? 以亞士頓馬田 Aston Martin DB5、法拉利 250 Lusso 和平治 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing 為例,這三部車在1977至2008 年間,平均每年都是升值5%而已。不過自2008 年社交媒體興起開始,它們的身價平均每年升值60 %。雖然同時間世界經濟都一直改善,但外國亦有研究指出,有錢人和名人上載到facebook 跟Instagram 的照片,的確是有助推動大眾的興趣。

毫無疑問,今時今日能夠買得起名車的人,都是前所未有的年輕,這樣的趨勢也促使了法拉利和林寶堅尼 Lamborghini 等名貴汽車品牌大幅增加產量,以滿足市場的需求。
而千禧一代和 X 世代, 就正正形成了現時這個不斷增長的新興收藏家市場。雖然這些人可以隨心所欲的大灑金錢,但他們所買的東西必定要像亞士頓馬田DB5、法拉利250 Lusso 或是平治300SL Gullwing 等受 Instagram 群眾所認同的名車,始終沒有人會想在網上炫耀一部平治C-Class 吧。當現今社會都充斥着這麼多年齡介乎20至30 歲,也不介意消費的百萬富翁時,他們期望自己所買的車必須是最好的,這些車可能是充滿異國風情的超跑,又或是極為珍貴的經典車。但總括而言,他們期望自己所花的錢,要得到每個人認同。
How Social Media affect the Classic & Collectible Car Market
I have mentioned in last month’s column, thanks to modern technologies, namely the internet, that make information readily available and easily accessible, interest in classic cars seems to have spread over an always-increasing number of people. In present days, classic car market can be thought as global: access to information is total and immediate from everywhere in the world.
It is clear that the time of classic cars as a small and non-relevant market is long gone, and that more and more people are orienting their online presence toward the classic car world. Car manufacturers and even famous restorers are opening social media accounts to promote their classic car business.
For the celebrity car collectors, a picture isn’t just worth a thousand words. It can also boost that vehicle’s value, by tens of thousands of dollars. Social media like Instagram are helping drive up the valuations of certain cars. So when celebrities such as Beckham, Kendall Jenner or Jay Leno post photos that include their cars, whether modern or classic, people notice. And they act accordingly.
That differs from previous decades when only true superstars Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean could afford exotic cars. And what’s more, most of those who could afford them stayed discreet. There weren’t many ways to casually publicise their prized possessions, anyway.
But these days, even Reality TV celebrities make enough to afford a Ferrari or a Bentley. And they now have the methods to show it off. Social media lets people brag without bragging. Classic car buyers have been exposed to the images posted by celebrity buyers on social media sites, fueling even higher demand for certain vehicles.
Of course, most old-money and ultrawealthy collectors don’t care or don’t use social media at all. It’s really the second tier of the very rich, multimillionaires and the newly minted tech guru are most susceptible to the so-called Instagram effect.
So, what’s the effect? Here is an example. From 1977 through 2008 the Aston Martin DB5 coupe, the Ferrari 250 Lusso, and the Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing – appreciated in value by just 5% annually. Each year since 2008, however, they’ve appreciated as much as 60%. Although the world economy has been improving over the same period, but studies do find that photos uploaded onto Facebook and Instagram by wealthy and celebrities are fuelling interest and growth.
What’s without question is that the combination of unprecedented youth of today’s buyers and the massive amount of wealth currently circulated around the globe have prompted major production increases at luxury automakers such as Ferrari and Lamborghini.
They form a growing new enthusiast and collector market filled with millennials and Gen Xers who are able to spend serious cash on a whim. But it’s got to be top-end stuff that makes it to Instagram—Astons, Ferraris, that vintage Gullwing. Nobody is going to want to show off a Mercedes C-Class.
You’ve got so many people in their 20s and 30s who are multimillionaires, these people are of the age where they don’t mind spending, but it’s got to be good, probably exotic or a prized classic. And when they do spend, they want everyone to know about it. It’s got to reaffirm who they are.
In this world, exclusivity is the ultimate goal. So it’s essential that the car is rare and classic car is easily the answer.That’s why classic & collectible cars are being noticed.